Мир гомеопатии

About the Center

The Homeopathic Center for Health Care and Rehabilitation was founded in 1995. The Center is engaged in applied scientific research, the provision of homeopathic care for the community and a range of educational activities. Teaching takes place at different levels: professional education in the form of seminars and conferences, the provision of homeopathic literature and software and general education for the wider public by promoting homeopathy in the mass media and on the Internet.

In the Center we have twenty highly qualified homeopathic practitioners as well as specialist consultants in specific fields of medicine. There are specialists in chiropraxy, the Foll method, acupuncture and reflexology. We have exercise therapy and yoga groups. Diagnostic testing using hi-tech equipment is also available in the Center. Patients from other countries are welcome for consultation and treatment.

Homeopathic seminars, conferences, case presentation and analyses as well as individual tutorials for practitioners are regularly held at the Center. There are series of seminars on classical homeopathy given by Dr. Zakharenkov who has also translated into Russian and edited many books on classical homeopathy. We have been organizing a school of classical homeopathy, which will be operating on a regular basis. We also offer an advanced training course for specialists. In addition we are planning to set up a distance learning course. Specialists forums on difficult cases are carried out in the Center.

The popularization of homeopathy is an important part of the professional agenda of the practitioners of the Center. They carry out educational activities at state medical institutions as well as in newspapers, magazines, on TV and the Internet, enabling homeopathy to be understood and accepted by the whole community.


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